Programming In C++
About C++
introduction now we are going to start c plus plus introduction in
this concept we are going to discuss about what is C++ okay. according
to this C++ is general-purpose high-level compiler based and object oriented
programming language. according to the in deduction to C++ is
called it is a general-purpose high-level compiler based and object oriented
programming language. First say this according to this C++ is a
general-purpose high-level compiler based and object oriented programming
language. Why it is called general purpose? Here the purpose means you see
is here purpose means uses and the general means what here
general means what for example there is a general store in general
store we are able to get different types of items. Here very simple
example we are calling general store in a general store we are getting different
types of items in the same manner by using C++ . Also we are able
to design different types of software here using C++.
We are able
to design different types of software that is why C++ is called general
purpose programming language. Which is also called multi-purpose
programming language now. What are the software's we are able to
design with the C++ just watch this now it is a c-plus place and
using C++ we are able to design operating systems first thing using C++. We
can design the operating systems now. First topic operating system and I
am giving the examples also for example dos windows Unix now all these
are called operating systems and we are able to design these operating systems
by using of c++ next using c++. We are also able to design editors using c++. What
is called editor the world best editor the world based free editor notepad
Word Pad and the MS Office ms word. Is there and does edit is there and edit
plus is there all they are called editors that is why using C++ we are able
to design operating systems as well as editors. We are also
able to design commercial applications using C++.
we are They
are related to the money transfer. That is why it is called when it
is related to money transaction it is called commercial that is why we are able
to design commercial applications also. Using C++ we are also able to design
database. Using C++ were also able to design database of wares for example
the world famous Oracle the world famous and popular database where a
great Oracle is there and the total Oracle is designed with the C and C++. That
is why some of the examples for database or Oracle SQL Server MySQL and so
on okay now these are the examples for database applications and by using C++
we are able to design the database application’s also. Using the C
++ we are also able to design translators. What is called
translator here we are getting one doubt what is a translator now
here translator means nothing but the converter and why we need the translators
in our programming and here we have to determine one thing.
as a user we can understand only English or we know only the English but
our computer does not know English operations and the computer understandable
code is binary code which is also known as machine code . The total
computer operations are going in zeros and ones which are called binary code.
As a human sir we are not able to understand this binary code. That
is why we know only the English and we are writing the program's also
in English. but the computer is not able to read these English programs
now. What happens this English program is later converted into
machine code which is called object code and this one is conducted by
translator. That is why translator Work Keys translator work is it converts
the user input that means which is also called source code and the
computer understandable code is called a object code. Super
Mario Day game is there is
there all these games are designed with the C and C++. software's are
working means when your system software is working properly it is the
relation in between the system software and application software.