C-sharp dot net basically Gauntlet is a very wonderful tool for creating the various types of application such as windows application, web application, mobile application,  and many more. Dot net framework provides you to use several languages inside it and C-sharp is one of them. Before continuing with c-sharp dot net make sure you have a good knowledge of dot net framework at least its component like JIT, CTL, CLS and the compilation process. We have a separate series for dot net framework. Please follow that if you don't have much idea about before getting started with C-sharp dot net so there what we will see like what is a programming language?

If I say like I am a person if I want to make a communication with you guys currently I'm using English as a language. Similarly I may use some other languages like Hindi, French, German ETC.  But why will I use that to pass my ideas to give some commands or to make any communication similarly when as a programmer I have some idea and I want my system or my application to do such tasks.  I'll have to transform my thoughts or my commands to instruct the system and here whichever language. You will be using it will be called programming language since first of all for creating an application you will have to create some small programs and then logical integration of such programs will create an application.

 So we will start with the Dement or we will first of all learn a particular language to write a program and then after creating several programs and after a logical integration.. we will be able to create an application alright. So let's see what is all here it's a formal computer language is used to create programs can be classified in generations. Now that's an important thing software designing is a very old scenario earlier software developer has to work with the first generation language all these generation is actually classified on the basis of how easily you can exchange your ideas with the system using a language.

 so as we know system understands its own system language may be binary or something. So initially when a developer wanted to communicate with the system.. He has to work with the machine language. Itself so first generation is nothing but the machine language in which a developer had to pass the instruction to a particular machine then it comes about this second generation. Where we got some assembly language.. Where we found some English type mnemonics to pass the instruction. But even there we used to work with registers and the mnemonicmeans learning all the mnemonics for this several tasks was not that easy.

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